Tuesday, January 26, 2010


this is a test

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Dear All
Keeping this up to date is going to be harder than I expected. As my IB students can testify (recently we did an online project for 1 week) keeping a blog is harder than you think.
Anyway for this week in ICT where are we going?
Forms 1, 2 and 3 are all working for the GEA, the global environment association. Their job is to create awareness about different animals that are endangered in this world. They are currently doing research on the animals and making a plan on the work they will be doing over the next 10 weeks. All students are keeping a log or an online blog of what they are doing. I encourage all parents to have a look at this log/blog
Form 4 are involved in a WIKI project (http://bmisigcseit.wikispaces.com/). They will be creating a set of online notes that will benefit them immensely next year. The form 5 students will also be able to use these notes this year.
Form 5 are doing their mock exam’s. They have completed paper 1 last Friday and will be sitting paper II this Thursday and Paper 111 next Monday. I wish them all the best!
IB 1 are also doing a collaborative project using WIKI(http://bmisitgs.wikispaces.com/). It is a work in progress that will hopefully give them a better understanding of what is expected of them for IBITGS
Till next time…
If in doubt
Use the Force
Mr. O

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Hi Everyone

Dear All
To all the parents and pupils of BMIS, this is the start of what I hope will help the ICT department and myself communicate more efficiently with pupils, parents and prospective parents alike.
Mr. O